Five Things You'll Find In My Bag
1. iPhone
2. Samsung Camera
3. Pink Sequin Coach Wristlet
4. Maybelline Baby Lips
5. Hair ties
Five Things You'll Find In My Bedroom
1. Panda and Moose Pillow Pets
2. TARDIS cookie jar
3. Framed photo with Leonard Nimoy
4. Personally signed Ian Somerhalder poster <3
5. Macbook
Five Things I've Always Wanted To Do
1. Travel to London and Tokyo
2. Work as a part-time bartender
3. Learn another language
4. Learn to make a fishtail braid
5. Open my own PR firm
Five Things I'm Currently Loving
1. My job
2. Artichoke Pizza in NYC
3. Instagram
4. Ebates.Com
5. The Mindy Project
Five Random Quirks I Have
1. I put off watching the last episode of tv shows I like because then it's really over
2. I never take showers in the morning
3. I hate pickles
4. I thoroughly inspect items to find the most "mint condition" ones before I purchase
5. I love taking pictures of myself making grotesque faces on snap chat
What are your five things?
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