Hey guys, so today I discovered a new link up hosted by Sar over at
Life of Love. Be sure to check out her wonderful blog and join in on the fun!
This Weekend I...Friday, I went out to my first New York City nightclub. I'm not a huge clubber as I prefer bars where you can sit and talk, but I do like to dance and New York clubs always look so glamorous in movies and tv that I was actually excited for this venture. My roommate, Janice, and I met up with my other roommate's girlfriend, Silvia and her friend Elisa at the club. It was called Pink Elephant and Janice chose it because she was friends with the owner and knew a couple promoters there. As shown on tv, there was a line outside the venue complete with bouncers. Luckily, because we knew the promoters, we got to walk right in without a wait. Once in, we skipped the coat check because we had a table with the owner and could just set our stuff with him. The owner, Bobby, was very sweet and courteous. It was definitely nice getting the "VIP treatment" on my first club outing. We got free drinks and didn't have to worry about creepy guys trying to dance on us and could really enjoy our "girls' night." Eventually, two more of my roommate's friends joined us before we left to watch one of their friends perform at a hotel in Soho. It was a bit later in the night so it had cleared out some, but, nevertheless, she had a lovely voice and you could tell she was touched her friends came to support her. Afterwards, we popped into a couple bars but nowhere seemed all that interesting so we all headed home.

Saturday, I experienced my first New York brunch which I had heard so much about. Janice and I once again met up with a bunch of her friends (who were all extreeemely nice and welcoming) at a very nice restaurant called
Peels that had the most beautiful Southern decor. After looking over the menu, I decided to be safe and ordered the "Farmer's Market"- which was basically eggs, hash brown, toast, and bacon - and a biscuit. Everyone's orders but mine came quite quickly and I thought maybe it just took a little longer to prepare (which I still though strange as I arguably had the simplest meal). However, when someone else who had arrived late received their food before me, I knew something was wrong and inquired about my food. The server was incredibly apologetic and they got my food out to me right away and didn't even end up charging me for it because of the wait! I was originally a little disappointed, but that certainly turned my experience around!
After brunch, our group separated and four of us ended up going to this AMAZING Asian dessert bar called
Spot. I had actually heard of it from a friend in Florida and was super excited to go! We ordered the Chocolate Green Tea Lava Cake, The Thai Tea Creme Brulee, and the Sweet Potato Cake (andd I got a Passion Fruit Bubble Tea - so refreshing!). They were absolutely delicious and beautifully presented, I can't wait to go back! I think this is one place I'm definitely going to be taking my friends and family when they come up to visit. Plus, a bonus is that it's literally across the street from my friend Chandra's apartment. Even though I literally just had brunch AND dessert, we went out to one of her favorite guilty pleasures, Dumpling Man, that I had heard oh so much about. I got about three dumplings in before I realized that, yes, I was stuffed and packed the rest for home then proceeded to watch Netflix and edit videos all night.
Sunday was pretty much my lazy day complete with SVU marathon. Janice made me a delicious breakfast of an omelette made with tomato sauce, onions, and spinach and toast with blackberry jam before she headed out for the day and I dove into working on my blog and Youtube channel. I did venture out from my apartment for a little while to do some shopping at Buffalo Exchange, a really cool consignment/thrift store. 3 tops and a dress all or $35 - not bad, right? Afterwards, I grabbed a pizza slice and calzone to go then proceeded to tweet about the Oscars laaaate into the night. I couldn't watch them live because I don't have cable at my apartment, but my sister does anddd there's always Twitter with it's constant updates that makes you feel like you're watching it live. Before the show started, my sister asked me what my Oscar predictions were in all 24 categories since she hadn't seen any of the movies but was doing a contest of some type with the kids from her film school in LA. I ended up getting 19/24 correct and she won a $60 gift card. I could probably do a whole post about the Oscars but because this post is already so long, I'm just going to sum it up as Christoph - superb. Adele - brought down the house. Tarantino - genius. Bradley Cooper - beautiful man. Ben Affleck - d'aww, so happy for him. And JLAW JLAW JLAW - you are simply flawless.

That's my weekend for you! Definitely a lot more exciting than when I first arrived to NYC! What did you guys do this weekend??