Friday, July 4, 2014


soothing tea

1. Tea: Mint, ginger, lemon and honey tea - A saviour for sick days. Lemon is antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting, Ginger and Mint are soothing and contain antioxidants and Honey is antibacterial. Sipping on tea also makes sure you are keeping hydrated!
Recipe - squeeze a wedge of lemon, a teaspoon of honey, one or two sprigs of mint (to taste) and peel and cut a chunk (I use a brazil nut size) of ginger into sticks and place in your mug. Top up with boiling water and leave for 10 mins to infuse. Enjoy!

2. Hand cream: I wash my hands a lot more when I'm ill to stop any germs spreading so I always use a good hand cream to keep my hands moisturised. Instyle magazine currently has a free Neals Yard Geranium (which is lovely and uplifting) and Orange hand lotion which is worth £10, perfect!

3. Rest: A week spent in my Pj's watching Disney films, catching up on blogs, browsing pinterest and getting some extra sleep has been just the rest I needed to get me on the mend.

4. Food: Oreo's and marmite on toast is all I've been eating this week...although I'm not complaining!

5. Having someone around: Alex bought me some lovely white roses, Instyle magazine (for the hand cream) and some more lemon and ginger yesterday, he's chopped me up some vegetables for me to snack on today and I've been ringing my mum non stop. 

What helps you to feel better when you're unwell?

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